May 23, 2011

Hi everyone!
Congratulations Sister Oliverson. I am just so proud of you. Know that I love you. You will be an amazing missionary. Congratulations to Ry. You come home tomorrow. Crazy. Thank you for serving an honorable mission. 
I've been meaning to thank whomever that amazing person is that is beyond thoughtful and left money in the mailbox at home to help replace some of my stolen things. You are the best. Thank you so much.
As far as weather goes over hear in JC we are safe. They did have a major warning in Lawrence where we do exchanges. In Topeka they had 3 funnel clouds but they didn't touch ground. One of the members in the Spanish Branch was there that day. They had to get out of their car and hide under the over pass until the tornadoes passed. Crazy. But  really though we knew nothing about them (until yesterday). I'm sure if they ever get close we will be warned. If nothing else we will duck and cover.
The big major news this week is we have 2 new investigators! We are just so happy about it. It's like Christmas. (Yes we may have screamed with happiness after we got into our car after teaching them. That's what you do when you are a missionary :) )
 They are wonderful and so ready for the gospel. They invited us over Friday for dinner which we are beyond excited about. Seriously they are awesome. We are excited :).
 We feel that things are finally starting to move along.The Lord knows exactly what we need when we need it.  Thank you for all of your prayers and support. We couldn't have done it without you. 
As far as Shane goes it is a continual struggle. Its a long story, and I don't want to make the situation any more than it already is, but it's definitely a challenge and kind of giving me an ulcer but it will work out eventually. Just keep trusting in the Lord.
Its been a very different experience having to take over the area. However, Sister Dent has been wonderful about it. She is super patient and willing to help me along the way as I pretend to know what I'm doing. Overall she is the companion that I need right now. Her experience and Spirit brings so much more into the companionship than I could ask for. She is such a great missionary.
This email this week is super uninformative but I promise to do better next week. We are doing super well and I am loving the work.
Thank you for all your support and love. I hope everyone is doing well and that life is everything you would like it to be.
Be safe. Love you.
Sister Hall

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