12 weeks in Junction City, Kansas May 9th, 2011

Sister Nuckles and I just got back from the Hildabrand Dairy Farm. We usually get our milk from there but today we bought some ice cream. :) We also had the opportunity to get licked by some baby cows. They smelled like poop but were super cute.
This week....we lost/aka dropped our Spanish investigators. Carlos had some feelings toward Sister Nuckles and in so many words proposed to her (through text)....haha.....anyway, we had to drop them for safety reasons. Hopefully,  someday they will be ready to recognize the Spirit and the happiness it can bring them.
We have a few other potential investigators but no one super solid. However, after our phone calls to home last night for Mother's Day, (can't wait to talk to you all again in 8 months) the Underwood family called and said that Khrystal is ready to be baptized. (She really wants to go do baptism for the dead with the YM in 2 weeks) We are really excited that she has that desire but are a little hesitant as to the suddenness. Hopefully it's for the right reasons, we will find out tonight when we go over for dinner. I'll let you all know what happens.
We have transfer calls tomorrow night (Tuesday).....yikes. We are pretty sure we know what is going to happen but regardless they still give me anxiety. I feel like I may be staying here for another transfer...but we will see. Sister Nuckles was originally called on her mission as a visitors center, Spanish speaking Sister. She  served in the visitors center in Independence earlier and now feels as though she may be transferred to Liberty Jail. We both are just guessing so we'll see what happens.
The planned tornado warning is currently going off. Such a lovely Monday, Kansas sound.
I think I am finally getting a little more comfortable with tracting. It doesn't mean I like it (doubt that will ever happen) but It definitely helps me exercise my faith and show the Lord I am trying. Its a learning process :) You definitely meet some interesting people that way. Regardless of the success or failure it is still missionary work. You do all that you can and move on. I'm trying my best to be a missionary and not just be on a mission!
Hm...what else? The Spanish branch had a mothers day activity Saturday- when they throw a party they throw a party! I never thought I would experience rockin Mexican music in the church gym. It was really fun though and we love spending time with them.  
Well I think that is about it. We have a mission conference this Saturday with Elder Russel M. Nelsen and Bishop H. David Burton. Being that close to an apostle is just a little intimidating.
I hope everyone is doing well and that you have a wonderful week. To all those of you who have finished school and are graduating, those who are getting married, or going on missions, congratulations! I am so proud of you. 
 Thank you for the continued support and prayers. I really couldn't do it without you. Thank you.
Love you all.
Till next week, all my love.
Sister Hall

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