May 2, 2011

Hi everyone!
Sammit CONGRATULATIONS on your mission call to Raleigh North Carolina! I love you!! Meg, your engagement pictures are beautiful!
Hope everyone is well and has been staying safe.
This past week was good. We have a new investigator, his name is Gerard. He just randomly showed up at church last week and is checking out the church. We really like him and gave him a really powerful church tour. We meet with him again on Thursday.
Our miracle moment for the week: Shane (our investigator) has stopped drinking coffee! While doing  exchanges I asked him if he would like a Priesthood blessing. He agreed and our ward mission leader happily gave him one that next day. It's now been over a week and he hasn't touched coffee or had any desire to do so. I love the Priesthood, It is amazing. Thank you Dad for being worthy to hold that power. 
What else? We drove to Wichita on Tuesday for a "new missionary specialty training"session. The Spirit there was beautiful. We stayed at the Daily's home again. Thankfully no windows were broken and no bags were stolen. However, Brother Daily accidentally backed into our car early the next morning. So the back passenger door has a dent in it. Apparently we can't win at their house. :)    
As always we are still trying to build up our teaching pool. It's not easy. We do have some Spanish investigators but are struggling to get them to come to church ( I think I mentioned them last week?) Anyway they have so much potential but apparently some priest told them some "bad" things about the Mormons so now they are a little hesitant. Your prayers for Chris, Isaias and Carlos would be much appreciated. 
Thank you for all of your support and love. I couldn't do it without you.  This Gospel is simple, beautiful and completely true. Keep moving forward. Have a wonderful week.
Love you all.
Sister Hall

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