Two Letters! May 31st and June 6th 2011

This 1st email is from Memorial Day weekend....for some reason we did not receive it so Makenzie re-sent it today along with this weeks email.

Last weeks email. I swear I sent it. I don't know what happened. So sorry!

Hi everyone!
-Bree "home slice" Arnold! I am SO proud of you! Congratulations! We will just be a few corn fields away from each other! I love you! Looking forward to your letter :)
-Wow Dani you are going on a mission? Why did I not know this? Write me girl!
-Sam, I'm just so excited for you. I hope my mom didn't force any grandma shoes on you. :) (Love you Mom)
-Lins, my mom told me about that lovely dance picture on Face Book. You are killing me!
I hope you are all having a great week and had a nice holiday.
Funny story of the week: In Primary on Sunday we were in sharing time singing all sorts of lovely songs that bring back my 7 year old childhood. I was sitting next to Esmeralda who is just about the cutest 5 year old ever. As we are singing she suddenly turns to me and asks, "whats wrong with your hair, It looks like a mess." Ha ha, wow, kids are so honest! I guess that's what happens when I try to curl my hair in humidity. :)
Also, on Sunday about a half hour before we were suppose to be at the church we got a text from the ward mission leader that said we were teaching Gospel Principles. Yikes. So, not only did we have to teach Gospel Principles and Primary, my companion Sister Dent had to also play the piano in Sacrament meeting and Primary in the Spanish branch. Thank goodness for amazing companions. Sundays are just crazy.
This past week here in Junction City has been a good one minus the weather. It poured rain like I have never seen before. Seriously, I didn't know rain could happen like that! I got to stand in numerous rivers of water. Super fun. 
Shane (our half investigator) just happened to be in Joplin Missouri visiting family when the tornado hit last week. His car ended up inside his relatives house. Crazy stuff. So now it's just hot, humid and more humid. Lovvvvveeee it. 
We met with Ammie and Andrew Jenkins who are officially our new investigators. They are awesome! They have the cutest little family ever. Andrew is a lot more open than Ammie is (she will come around eventually). The first time we met with them we asked them to read the Intro to the Book Of Mormon. But, because Andrew is so awesome he read the intro, testimony of Joseph Smith, 3 and 8 witness's and 1 Nephi chapters 1-5. Best thing ever. We love them. We have a bunch of potentials that we are working on. We are so excited to have things moving forward. 
Little miss Lainey King stayed in the "kids house" (nursery) for both hours on Sunday, all by herself. I am so proud of her.
I love my district. We have the smallest one in the mission (us, and 2 other companionship's). Our district leader, Elder Child's is unbelievable. 1. He is 6' 9" but that really has nothing to do with it. 2. He is one of the most spiritual people I have ever met. Something that he said that I just loved was, "Our motive should be our purpose, and everything else should fall into place." for some reason that really clicked. My purpose as a missionary is to "invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through, faith in Jesus Christ, his atonement, baptism, the gift of the holy ghost and enduring to the end." My purpose is to invite others to come closer unto Christ and bring them happiness. Who wouldn't want that?
I love this gospel. I love being here in Junction City. I love having Sister Dent as my companion. Each day is a roller coaster with a million emotions but at the end of the day looking back its so worth it. This work is moving forward regardless of where the world is going. Christ's church is and will be established. "It isn't over until its over"- Elder Holland.
Thank you everyone for the support and love. You are wonderful.
Until next week.
Love, Sister Hall

P.S. Oh, and to my family, please send me some pictures of the fam and life. Everyone asks about my family and I don't really have any evidence that I have one without pictures. So yeah. Much appreciated.
This week:
Hi everyone.  Sorry about last week. I was able to email on Tuesday but some how it got lost in translation. 
Jules, thank you 5 million times for the super unexpected package :) Love it. Love you more.
It has been a week!
I was proposed to by Brother Williams, a 90 year old black man who has been a member for about 2 years. (He has blue eyes, how cool is that?)  He is the sweetest little guy ever. It was super awkward when he asked if he could marry me but these days awkward is my new normal. Someday my face will stop turning red in situations like those. (Sister Dent's face, when it turns red, overshadows mine though. It's been a nice change :) )
We visited Edna Acevedo this week. She is a less active member and works at the food pantry where we volunteer each week. Edna is hilarious. She will tell you like it is and make your innocent missionary ears not so innocent. Best part about our visit is I was able to get her to commit to come to the Spanish branch next Sunday! Super excited! Having people come to church is like Christmas! 
Speaking of people coming to church we had 4 investigators come yesterday! So awesome. Super super stressful but so awesome! 2 of those are new investigators from this week (the others that attended church were the Jenkins family :) ). Sigrid and Antwan. We met Sigrid while trying to contact a "potential" but found her living in the house instead. Sigrid is from Brazil and met her husband in Italy where he was stationed and she was living. (Yes she speaks Italian, and I am so jealous). As we were talking to her she showed us a copy she had of the Book of Mormon in Portuguese. We were so confused. She then explained that her best friend gave it to her. Her best friend just happens to be Sister Vega. Sister Vega happens to be the wife of Brother Vega who is our Branch mission leader. Funny thing was that Brother Vega said he had some investigators for us to meet this week and sure enough it happened to be Sigrid and her husband Antwan! Coincidence doesn't happen in the Gospel :)  So, long story short they are awesome and so ready for this in their lives. We taught them at the Vega's home Saturday night and it was one of the most spiritual lessons I think I have been a part of thus far. The whole family attended church this Sunday and as far as we can tell they loved it. 
We had exchanges and for my first time since arriving in Junction City. I was able to leave and serve somewhere else for 24 hours. I was with Sister Glade in Lawrence (it's where the other university is....Kansas University?...I know its not K State but that's all I can think of at this moment. Dad help me out..) Anyway, its a super cute little town. I would love to serve there someday. The Lawrence Sisters have some awesome investigators.
Well, I have got to be going. I hope you all have a wonderful week. Thank you for the love, support and prayers. You are amazing. Be safe. Love you all.
Sister Hall

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