April 30th, 2012- Manhattan KS- Sister Kavea- The Gift of Our Lives

The Gift of Our Lives

Hi everyone!

How are you? I hope you all had an awesome week.

Our week has been so good.
It started Monday evening. But let me back track for a second. Earlier last week we had been tracting and ran into a girl who had gone to the temple open house. She said she wanted to meet with us. That NEVER happens. She told us she would call us in a few weeks. We figured we would never hear from her again but low and behold she called us a few days later! That NEVER happens either. Now fast forward to Monday night.

We had such a good lesson. Lauren brought a friend with her and it was one of my favorite lessons I've had. The spirit was amazing, they had awesome questions and after an hour Sister Kavea and I left completely happy. People have been so nice to us lately! That NEVER happens.... okay that's a lie. It does happen but it’s rare. Even in the "little apple" the work of the gospel of Jesus Christ is real.

The temple is a place of miracles! We were blessed enough to be in Missouri everyday this week. Seriously, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. I couldn't have been happier. Like that wasn't a blessing enough, the people I've met have been incredible. Knowing I was allowed to be the one to talk with them right after they had gone through the temple open house is such a blessing. I really wish I could describe all the experiences I've had but I don't know how to put it into words. When a man who just came from being in the temple says to you, " I'm not a member of your church but entering the temple was like I had been there before. It was familiar", how can you not feel humbled? How can you not recognize that the temple is the place of the Lord? It’s experiences like those that I'm so grateful that I get to keep for eternity. Someday I will be able to see those people again and it’s going to be wonderful.

I have to admit I'm so sad that the temple open house is over. It was the fastest month of my life and couldn't have been more worth it. Although it is over we now get to look forward to temple work moving forward, but before that happens we get to participate in the cultural event! We get to sing for the prophet! All 240 something missionaries get to participate in history this Saturday. And to top it off we get to watch the temple dedication. Needless to say we are all kind of excited about it. (We’ve heard a rumor that the cultural event is going to be broadcast on BYU TV...just a heads up)

I'm just so happy. I'm so grateful that I moved 2 states over from Utah and get to be here doing the greatest work that can ever be done. I have been blessed enough with the most amazing life ever.

I love each of you. Thank you for being all that you are.
Be safe.
Sister Hall

PS. here are some pictures to hopefully make up for the lack of words that I can't seem to express this week.

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