August 8, 2011

Hi everyone!

Happy Birthday to Haley and Melissa! Love you both. To my sweet best friend and sister, Brookie, I love you. Seeing you yesterday was the weirdest, greatest, moment ever. Thank you for coming to visit me at Historic Liberty Jail. Grandma Parson's thank you for coming with her....I love you too!

It’s been a busy few days and weeks, but I'm happy to report that I am staying in Liberty for another 5 weeks with Sister Fei'eiki. The other 2 companionship's changed. Sister Juergens got 2 new companions, Sister Hinckley and Sister Vickers. Sister Whittier also got a new companion, Sister Larson. It’s going to be a really good transfer. Because Sister Juergens received 2 new companions, Sister Fe and I moved our bedroom to the living room to make space for an extra person. It was quite the process and we ended up laughing more than anything, but we got the job done. Bunk bed, clothes, and dresser, all moved into the living room which is now our bedroom. Transformation :)

This transfer Fe and I are working on being positive. You all know that I haven't always seen the sunny side of life but this transfer is going to change. Fe and I came up with a few goals and whatever life throws at us we are going to take it with a smile, (and maybe a few tears) and say "we all do hard things" (thank you to the Bell family for having that posted all over their home for so many years). If we do say something negative about anything, including ourselves then we receive a negative point. Whoever has the least amount of points by the end of the 5 weeks is the winner. Plus, the looser has to buy the winner something good. We were able to get Elder and Sister Sinclair in on it as well. Between the 4 of us, it should be a fun few weeks. (Sister Sinclair is in the lead with one point; I think I'm either 2 or 3rd. Fe is way better at it than the rest of us) (Ps I love the Sinclairs so much.)
Here is an embarrassing story for the books along with all my other embarrassing moments; I'm thinking of one particular incident in high school, ugh! Anyway, Saturday night I was climbing up to my bed (I'm on the top bunk) and suddenly the ladder broke. I came tumbling down and ended up staring at the ceiling with Jeurgens and Fe looking stunned. I wanted to crawl into a hole and die. As I got up Fe screams and I look down to see my 2 little toes bleeding. I'm pretty sure my pinkie toe is broken. It hurts to wear shoes. Oh Sister Hall.....

The work is coming along very slowly. It’s been slightly discouraging but we continue to look forward with faith. Michael has seemed to have fallen off the face of the earth but we aren't giving up. We will be doing a whole lot of finding and tracting this week. We will see what happens. If you haven't seen the Mormon Message, "Hope you know" by Elder Cook , that is my challenge for you this week. Watch it, I love that video! I feel like I've recently had this attitude of "I hope you know I'm having a hard time." The different circumstances and challenges has been a struggle for me lately. But in my accountability yesterday with Elder Cannon he said something that I needed to hear. Heavenly Father loves me. He loves me NOW. Right now in this very moment of all my imperfections, struggles, and sins. He loves me. He loves you. Each one of us is part of the bigger picture.

I love life. I am happier than I have ever been. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the true church. Thank you for all of your support, prayers, letters, and love.

Until next week.
Sister Hall.

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