April 11th, 2011

HI everyone.
Hope all is well in Utah! Thank you for all the packages and letters I received this week. Tasha Bell I love you, and I am writing you back regardless if you want me to or not :)
Sister Nuckles and I are traveling to Independence tonight for an all sister's conference tomorrow. There are about 50 sisters in the mission (we have a lot because of the visitors center). It's the first time they have ever done this. I have to give one of the prayers......lucky me. That's what happens when you are the new girl. Anyway I'm excited. It will be a wonderful experience. We also have zone conference in Wichita Wednesday. So we will be going to Independence, then all the way to Wichita in a 2 day period. Thankfully, we are in Kansas...oh wait there is nothing to look at in Kansas. I forgot.
We went tracting again this week; my favorite missionary activity..... okay it really wasn't that bad. Out of 4 hours of tracting 3 people let us talk to them. One house we went to the lady opened the door and I introduced us and she got a huge smile on her face. This just confused me. Usually people don't smile when they see us. Turns out she just returned from Utah that very morning from her step fathers funeral. Crazy! As we talked to her more she told us she had gone to Temple Square while there. She loved the temple display. Turns out she is a member. She was baptized when she was younger but stopped going when her parents split up. She is now a member of some weird church, but was super nice and we had a really good talk with her. We invited her to read the book of Mormon and she gladly accepted. We have another appointment with her next week. Was all this a coincidence? I think not :)
I also got to experience Wakefield Kansas on Saturday. Ever heard of it? No? Yeah me neither. A less active lives there with her non-member husband. They seriously live in the middle of nowhere on this little farm. They are super nice people. They gave us a tour of all their horses, chickens, bunnies, dogs, and cats. They also gave us homemade sausage. I don't know what that means but it was super gross looking. I tried a little and wanted to gag. The thought of it was just not okay with me. Anyway they have this super cute little boy named Connor. He is awesome. It was a very "Kansas" experience.
We also went to one of the family's homes in the Spanish branch and dyed Easter eggs with the 2 kids Josue and Niza. They had never done it before. It was so fun to show them a "American tradition", Plus we then had a mini Easter egg hunt inside their house.
Yesterday in the Spanish branch everyone shared their testimonies about the temple. The branch had the opportunity to go on Saturday. It was the first time for many of them. Sister Vega was kind enough to translate the meeting for me. It was such an amazing experience to hear the testimonies of these wonderful people. They have all gone through so much to get to where they are. One family was able to be sealed together. Two of their children are in our primary class. It was so precious. I wish I could describe the experience better to you. It was just a really wonderful meeting where the Spirit was felt.
We are still meeting with Shane and as of right now he is still good for his baptism. Hopefully it stays that way
It's been another challenging yet wonderful week. I have loved it.
Hope everyone is well. Enjoy your week. Be safe.
All my love.
Sister Hall 

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